viernes, 10 de enero de 2025

La gran comisión

The Great Commission.

Text Matthew 28:19;20

Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus gave this command to the apostles shortly before He ascended to Heaven, and it essentially describes what Jesus expects the apostles and those who follow them to do in His absence.

El propósito del proyecto de capellánes

Chaplain ministry in action inc

by Pastor Ángel G Franco

Chaplains play a crucial role in providing spiritual and emotional support to individuals in need. They are not simply religious leaders or advisors but rather compassionate listeners and guides who meet people where they are on their personal journeys. The role of a chaplain is multifaceted and varies depending on the setting in which they serve.

Chaplains typically provide pastoral-type guidance and support but in a secular setting, like a hospital. They typically serve outside the church, providing spiritual guidance or prayer for people where they are.

Chaplains are dedicated to offering compassionate care, regardless of their religious beliefs or affiliations. They are an essential source of support, providing comfort, guidance, and hope to individuals in need

Capellán policíal

Search Labs | Visión general creada por IA

La capellanía policial es un servicio que ofrece apoyo emocional, moral y espiritual a los miembros de la policía, sus familias y al personal retirado

Los capellanes de la policía pueden ser empleados remunerados o voluntarios. Su función es ayudar a las personas a encontrar la fortaleza interna que necesitan para enfrentar las dificultades de la vida. 

Los capellanes de la policía pueden brindar apoyo en: 

  1. Eventos de emergencia 
  2. Atención en la escena 
  3. Servicios de seguimiento 
  4. Notificaciones 
  5. Desactivación 
  6. Interrogatorio 
  7. Escucha 
  8. Funerales

La Capellania

Una o más personas que ayudan a los demás y no importa quien sean los ayudanmos